
Hard to sleep? Try Applying Sleep Hygiene

Difficulty sleeping is often considered a trivial problem. In fact, this can make the body become energyless, decrease concentration and thinking power, and trigger health problems if it occurs for a long time. Well, to overcome this, try to apply sleep hygiene.

Sleep hygiene is a practice carried out to build healthy sleep habits. This sleep pattern can improve and improve sleep quality.

Hard to sleep? Try Applying Sleep Hygiene

Generally, sleep hygiene is the recommended first step for people with sleep disorders, such as insomnia or obstructive sleep apnea, before using drugs.

How to Apply Sleep Hygiene

The steps in sleep hygiene are actually quite simple and not too difficult to do. However, consistency is needed in applying it to be effective in dealing with insomnia. Here's how to do sleep hygiene:

1. Make sure to sleep and wake up at the same time

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on holidays. This method will help you to establish a consistent sleep rhythm. Make sure you get enough sleep for about 7-8 hours every night, OK?

2. Make a routine before going to bed

Creating a bedtime routine can help you fall asleep faster. Set aside 30–60 minutes before going to bed for this routine. There are many choices of routines that can be done. You can pamper yourself by taking a warm bath, brushing your teeth, or using skincare.

Apart from that, you can also do activities that you like, for example stretching, meditating, listening to music, reading books, or writing a diary. Avoid doing things that can trigger emotions or worries, for instance, things related to work or studies.

3. Create a comfortable sleeping environment

To fall asleep faster, make your bedroom the ideal place to sleep. Turn off the lights while sleeping or limit lighting to only night lights and adjust the room temperature to keep it cool. Use earplugs if your room environment is too noisy.

Also, keep your cell phones and laptops out of your reach and turn off the TV, computer, or other electronic devices before going to bed. The light emitted from electronic devices can inhibit the production of the hormone melatonin, which should help you fall asleep.

As much as possible, do not use the bed for activities other than sleeping or sex. This will make your body associate the bedroom with rest time.

4. Limit nap time

Naps are a way to pay off sleep debt. However, don't take too long of a nap, OK? This can actually make it difficult for you to sleep at night. Limit nap time to a maximum of 30 minutes and do it before the afternoon.

5. Limit consumption of food and drink before bed

Before going to bed, avoid eating heavy, spicy, or large portions of food. Lying down after eating can cause pressure in the stomach to increase, so food and gastric juices can rise up into the esophagus. This can make you uncomfortable and wake up easily at night.

Also, avoid consuming caffeine and alcoholic beverages before bedtime. Both of these drinks can keep you awake and hard to sleep. Not only that, but you are also not advised to smoke before going to bed. The effects of nicotine on the body can make it difficult for you to fall asleep.

So, those are sleep hygiene methods that you can apply. In addition to overcoming sleeplessness, this sleep pattern can also increase your productivity during the day and positively impact your overall physical and mental health.

Apart from applying the methods above, make sure you also apply other healthy lifestyles, such as consuming nutritious food and exercising regularly so you can sleep better at night.

If after applying sleep hygiene you still have trouble sleeping, don't hesitate to consult a doctor. The doctor will look for the underlying cause of your difficulty sleeping, then determine the right treatment according to your condition.