
7 Ways to Treat Diabetic Wounds

Diabetic wounds have a longer healing period than wounds in healthy people. If not treated properly, diabetes sores can continue to spread and increase the risk of amputation. So, what's the right way to treat diabetic wounds?

The cause of the long healing of diabetic wounds is blood sugar levels that are too high. This can damage nerves, lower the immune system, and cause blood circulation to worsen, thus hindering the repair process for damaged body tissues.

7 Ways to Treat Diabetic Wounds

This causes wounds in diabetics to remain open, wet, and difficult to heal. Wounds that don't heal make diabetics more susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections, as well as gangrene.

How to Treat Diabetic Wounds

Diabetic wound healing that is slow can increase the risk of amputation if not treated properly. You can take the following steps to treat diabetic wounds:

1. Clean the wound every day

The first step that can be taken to treat diabetic wounds is to clean the wound every day. Use running water and soap, then dry and apply the antibiotic ointment recommended by your doctor. Avoid soaking the injured body part because it can increase the risk of infection.

2. Reduce the pressure on the wound

Avoid putting pressure on the injured area, for example by not wearing tight clothes. Reduced pressure allows diabetic wounds not to get worse and heal faster.

If the wound is on the sole of the foot, you should use shoes designed for diabetics or foot supports so as not to exacerbate the damage caused by diabetic wounds.

3. Cover diabetic wounds with bandages

Although many think that wounds should be left open, experts believe that diabetic wounds should be covered with bandages to prevent the risk of infection and speed healing.

However, make sure you choose the right bandage recommended by your doctor.

4. Control blood sugar levels

Uncontrolled blood sugar levels will complicate the healing process of diabetic wounds. Therefore, it is important to continue to control blood sugar levels by following a healthy diet, exercising, taking anti-diabetic drugs, and giving insulin injections if needed.

You can consult a doctor further to control blood sugar levels.

5. Watch for signs of infection

Symptoms of the infection in diabetic wounds can include the appearance of pain, redness, swelling, or feeling warm around the wound. In addition to the signs above, an infection can also be marked by a watery wound, festering, and accompanied by a bad odor.

If you have an infection, be sure to clean the wound, remove dead or damaged skin tissue, take antibiotics, and apply antibiotic ointments that have been prescribed by your doctor.

6. Meet daily nutritional intake

To speed up the healing process of diabetic wounds, it is recommended that you pay attention to your daily nutritional intake. One of the important nutrients that must be met daily to treat diabetic wounds is protein.

Protein is known to help repair skin tissue and other body tissues that have been damaged. In addition to protein, it is also important to have enough calories, fat, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, such as zinc and vitamin C, to speed up wound healing.

7. Call the doctor

If a diabetic wound is accompanied by a burning sensation, tingling, numbness, swelling, and persistent pain, contact your doctor immediately. Later, the doctor will advise on the best way to care for and treat diabetic sores. The sooner it is treated, the smaller the risk of complications.

Preventing the Emergence of New Diabetic Wounds

To prevent the appearance of new wounds due to diabetes, you can apply the following steps:

1. Cut your nails carefully

To avoid injury to the feet, be careful when cutting nails. Make sure the nail clippers you use are sharp and cut your nails straight across. Ask someone else for help if you are having trouble cutting your nails.

2. Check your feet every day

Make sure you always check the condition of your feet every day, whether there are blisters, sores, redness, numbness, or swelling. Use a mirror to look at the bottom of your feet if you're having trouble. In addition, make it a habit to wash your feet and dry them immediately so that your feet are always clean.

3. Wear comfortable footwear

To prevent diabetic sores from appearing on your feet, always wear footwear when you are indoors or outdoors. Choose footwear that is comfortable and has cushioning for the heel. Avoid wearing footwear that is too tight and hard, because it will only hurt your feet.

4. Stop smoking

Diabetics are advised to stop smoking. Cigarettes can cause obstruction of blood circulation and reduce the amount of oxygen throughout the body. As a result, your diabetes wounds will get worse and the healing process will be slower.

While treating diabetic wounds, regularly check with your doctor to anticipate nerve damage, poor blood circulation, or infected wounds, and so that you get faster and more appropriate treatment.